Dear Parents and Caregivers.

 I was very privileged to attend the Camp Out last Saturday night.  What a night! It was great to see the wonderful support for the School provided by our parents.  The effort that everyone went to by dressing up for the occasion was terrific to see.  The weather looked after us as well, not being too cold and the rain holding off.  There was a very relaxed atmosphere and the whole evening was extremely well organised.  The kids seemed to enjoy cooking marshmallows on the camp fire.

A big thank you goes to Laura Mead and Danielle Murphy, ably supported by the P&C, for organising the event.

I know I really enjoyed being there and loved the opportunity to interact with the parents and students on a different level.  My only regret is that I did not get to spend a great deal of time with many who did come to the event.  I really appreciated the coffee and breakfast on Sunday morning, what a great idea.

We are in the final weeks of School; it’s hard to believe that there are less than five weeks left.  Those weeks will fly as there is so much that has to happen in that short time.

We are in the swing of writing reports, organising final assemblies, presentations and graduations.  If you see some frazzled teachers over the next few weeks you will know why.

Things are not helped when the weather doesn’t seem to know what to do which makes working out the best possible way of holding all of the events a tricky balancing act.

Don’t forget that swimming lessons will happen in the last two weeks of term.  Parents can you please ensure the enrolment forms are completed and returned to the classroom teachers along with the correct payment by Wednesday 2nd December.

I would also like to remind parents that we are actively seeking interested parents to join our School Board.  The Board meets twice per term in the evenings for about 1 ½ hours each meeting.  The Board reviews the School’s policies and acts as a review of the School Business Plan.  If you are interested and would like more information please talk to me in person, via email or by phone.

David Sawers
