What clever computer users Room 3 are becoming. Many more students have earned their certificates for being able to start up and shut down the computer, with just a few students still working on this skill. Next term we will start making our own power point presentations, which should be very exciting indeed!

Last week the children voted on the theme they would most like to do this term. Initially the children tell me all things they might like to learn and all ideas are placed on the whiteboard. Then the students can vote as many times as they like and the themes with the highest numbers are kept for round 2. In round 2 student can only vote for their top 3 themes and again the ones with the highest scores remain. For the third and final round we can only vote once and your children picked THE DEADLY 60! I can’t wait to redecorate the room in the holidays:)

Our house of bricks continues to be built and I’m sure we will continue this project next term with it turning into a jungle hut perhaps.

Over the holiday break please remember that both Mathletics and Reading Eggs continue to be accessible to your child and using these programs will help your child keep up their skills for the new term.