What a busy week we have had and it is only week 2 of term!

This week we have continued our focus on adding on in Maths and  we looked at how when completing sums like 2 + 15  it helps to put the larger number in front and then count on. We revised calendars as a whole class using the interactive whiteboard, looking at how many days between set dates and what days certain dates are. This is something we will continue to work on. We also used our calculators this week to add up money and to find the difference between 2 amounts.

Technology  – Last term we worked hard to plan and design model boats that would be able to hold large amounts of marbles. After testing various materials we thought might float we set about building our boats. Friday was our big test day and the boat that held the most marbles before sinking was Lilie’s at 127 marbles! All the children worked really hard on this project and it was very interesting to see how the different designs worked.

Computer- The children are doing a fantastic job of starting up the computers and laptops now and logging on. We are now able to access the internet and log in to our Mathletics accounts. Hopefully by the end of this term you will start to see powerpoint presentations made by your children at the end of each week! We will then upload them onto this blog for all parents to see.

English- Last term we had a strong focus on single letters and sounds ensuring children had a good grounding in this area. This term we are introducing the children to the THRASS system of learning sounds. This system shows the different ways sounds can be  made and  helps children understand that letters can make more than one sound, for example c can be used to spell cake but also circle.This week we did lots of writing and the children are really getting a chance to use their knowledge of sounds to help them have a go at writing different words.

Thank you to our wonderful parent helpers for coming back to reading groups this week and for updating your days on the roster.
