What a wonderful week it has been!

This week we have been working very hard revising our single letter sounds. Our focus in week 1 has been on S , A and T. For some children this is consolidating what they already know and for others it is a chance to catch up on some things they make have been unsure of last year. We have also been reading a class book and learning  about rhyme. We had lots of different activities to support this learning and to support your child’s best method of learning, whether that is sitting at a desk,moving around, using the interactive whiteboard, or sensory eg painting and play doh.

In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards in ones  and tens. And learning the tems greater than, more than and less than. The children have really enjoyed playing our Alligator alligator game where we have to say which number is greater. By then end of the week everyone could tell me a number that was more or less than a number I gave them.

We have being learning about past and present in history and what history means. I was very pleased to see how enthusiastic the children were about this topic!

Looking  forward to next week!