It was a sunny and very productive weekend Busy Bee at Sawyers Primary! Our fabulous fridge worm farms were carefully constructed by Steve, Andrew and lots of other helpers. The sites were carefully prepared and the worm farms were put into position. One up in the Early Childhood Garden and the other was positioned, outside room 8 (close to the undercover area).

Now… we just need worms! If you have any you wish to donate, please see Danielle or Fiona.
A raft of other garden jobs were tackled and completed as well. A section of fence was removed to allow full access to the worm farm area, our hills hoist was erected over the stone horse shoe; log-lined digging pits were created, two more raised beds were put into position complete with irrigation and these beds were filled with soil dutifully wheel-barrowed in from behind the school.

We ate cake, sandwiches and lots of fruits and Ms Blair came especially to make a cuppa for everyone! The kids had fun playing together and Mums and Dads worked hard in the sunshine. What a wonderful community spirit, for family members to volunteer their very special weekend time. As a school we really appreciate your efforts and the students are sure to benefit!

We can’t thank you enough!

Already we are listing more jobs that would further progress our sustainability projects, such as a dedicated compost area or two. We have only just started with our early childhood natural-play garden design and hope to progress the next stage sometime next term. So… if you feel disappointed that you missed all the fun, watch this space as we are looking to plan another busy bee in Term 4!