P and C News and Info

The P&C are a volunteer based team raising funds through various ways eg sausage sizzles, school social, afternoon teas and swap meets to make our children’s education and school experience better.

P&C funds have been used to purchase classroom items such as floor mats and blinds as well as contributing to the sundial built for the schools 125th Anniversary, along with the bike track and bikes in the Early Childhood area. We also fund the school carnival ribbons and run the uniform shop.

We value your opinions and ideas and look forward to you sharing them with us at our next meeting. These are held regularly in the staff room with meeting dates and times published in the school newsletter. Under the constitution for WA P&Cs, we require five financial members to attend meetings to make decisions. Please come and contribute your ideas and support our great bunch of volunteers.

Involvement in the P&C, even if only at a minimal level, brings significant rewards for both you and your children.

You can contact the Sawyers Valley Primary School P&C on svpspc@gmail.com