As our school’s response to COVID-19 is all about prevention and containment, I want to thank staff for the extra diligence they have demonstrated in regards to the health and hygiene measures employed across the school and for their ongoing vigilance in support of the effort to contain and slow the spread of COVID-19.

The directive for schools is that they remain open until the end of Term 1. We understand that parents may choose to keep their children home in these uncertain times..

At this time we are putting some other measures in place to further keep our staff , students and community safe from the spread of COVID-19.

These measures concern parents and visitors to the school:

As of Tuesday 24 March, we will be suspending activities that are provided by volunteers, therapists and any other visitors to the school. This also applies to parent helpers. We also ask that parents refrain from entering their children’s classrooms when dropping off and picking up children, instead wait for them outside the classroom door.

The situation changes daily and I will do my best to provide information as it becomes available.  Thank you for your support of these important measures.

Kind regards
