Harmony Day

Bang two days before harmony day it was a gruelling day in the kitchen. The day started with exploding frankfurts and raw pastries desperately trying to cook in the oven. Eventually the team had tried and tried but then realised they couldn’t sell exploded frankfurts so bought some food from home to sell.

Then it was my turn in the wet area kitchen my team realised we needed a second batch of pink
cupcakes which were a lot of work. The cleaning was petrifying with icing sugar and flour everywhere and dirty dishes we had to clean the sticky mess. While I was busily trying to clean up the mess, inside the classroom the kids in room seven were busily making popcorn boxes with paper.

On Tuesday more food was baking in the kitchen pink and orange explosions everywhere. The year six was away at grip leader ship conference but the year five was working hard to make 2018
harmony day amazing.

Wednesday was finally the day all of our food will be sold again another chaotic frantic day in the kitchen luckily Sally Daniels was here to help make icing and clean up the gooey mess.It was a frantic morning moving decks and putting up posters but finally it was recess and it was time to sell. Prices ranging from 50 cents to two dollars. Cupcakes, drinks, sausage dolls, cookies and popcorn! My mouth was watering.

I brought a harmony day orange cupcake because our pink cupcakes were sold. out. My teeth sunk in the cupcake and i realised that there were delicious chocolate chips at the bottom. All the kids were e

xcited and bought there desired food.

In the early stage of the morning the kids in room seven set up sport equipment for our mini Olympics which was amazing there were so many games. lt was fun – room seven were running the games and all the Sawyers’ Valley children were so polite and harmonious, it was awesome. After the games we had a picnic on the oval under the shade structure.

The groups in room seven who had remaining left we sold the rest l’d like to thank everyone for purchasing food in total you raised $355 for yr 6 camp .After lunch the faction captains decided with the kids from each faction where the gold coin donation will go at the end of the term for the winning faction had the most tokens.
Our charities so far are Parkerville Children’s Home, Kids Help Line and Diabetes.

Thank you for your help year 5/6 parents for providing ingredients.

Yours sincerely,


Harmony Day

It looked chaotic. We actually started a few weeks ago. That was when we started planning and my group’s planning did not go well. My group was Miguel, Keaton, Caleb and I. We were making smoothies. We had to make changes almost every day. At first we decided no milk, but then we needed milk, then we r

an out of strawberries and then we narrowed it down to quite a few things.                       

For harmony day we had to wear orange or pink but I didn’t have anything like that. Thankfully Milan gave me an orange band. Thanks Milan. On the actual day we sold our smoothies so well that it soon became too well. I had to run in and out making more smoothies. It got everywhere but we cleaned it up. Near the end of recess we ran out of cups, which was very bad. We panicked and sold refills into almost anything, even bottles, and we sold just the juice as well. It was crazy!

Between recess and lunch was just as insane. At the mini Olympics, I was just coaching the egg and spoon race so I don’t know much else. I think I had ten or twelve different groups of kids, I don’t know. It didn’t look hard but it kind of was. Teaching some kids how to play and keeping them under control wasn’t easy but we did it.

By lunchtime we had done multiple games and we were having a whole school picnic. It was kind of overwhelming with all the kids in such a small space. As we were heading up we were thinking about which smoothies to make. We decided we would make the milk one. When we went into the wet area I saw a bit of peach being devoured by ants. So I threw it in the bin. It was a catastrophe no one liked the milk smoothies so we used our initiative and made up a whole new recipe. It was amazing but sadly we had no more customers. From then on it was a normal day. My group made about seventy dollars and overall my class made about three hundred and fifty five dollars.

Near the end of the day each faction chose a charity to donate to(this depends on which faction wins at the end of term). Penguins chose the Kids Helpline, magpies chose the Parkerville Children’s Home and swans chose diabetes. So I guess time will tell who wins. Harmony Day was crazy but amazing. Thank you Sally for all the help in the kitchen. 

🙂 Lucca