Welcome back for the last term.  It was great to see all the smiley faces back yesterday morning eager to get stuck into what will be a very busy term.  We have graduations, swimming lessons, camps to organise and reports to write so the staff will be working very hard this term.

Welcome back to Carey Stewart who has returned from her secondment to the Department. Carey will be working as a support teacher and assisting me and the leadership team with planning for next year.

We are sending a very strong and enthusiastic team to Mundaring next Wednesday to compete in the Spelling Bee.  I would like to thank Alison Charman for running the selection process for our four contestants.  Sawyers Valley will be represented by Nash Ley and Riley Hausler  from  year 5 /6 and Dakota Heilers and Jayden Keevil from Year 3/4.  We wish them all the very best in their efforts.

Staff will be participating in a School Development Day this Friday at Clayton View Primary School; which means it will be a pupil free day for the students. They will be reviewing the NAPLAN and On-Entry data results and comparing work samples from students to ensure that the grades reported on reports relate to current expectations. The day is also a great opportunity for staff to network with other teachers to share ideas and develop new skills to help improve outcomes for your children.

I would like to remind parents of our camp over planned for Saturday 31st October.  We are planning to hold a camp out on the school oval and it will include a movie night with pizzas with a Halloween flavour.  I will be cooking up a storm with the camp oven and billy tea for any who are game to try it. This is for current students and their parents and we hope to see as many here as possible. Bring your own tents and sleeping bags; it should be a great night.

David Sawers
