Today we created nonsense poems about space. We used our spelling word as adjectives to describe the noun. After reading the ‘Jabberwocky’ last week we realised that nonsense words can sometimes sound like real words. So we have used real words to create nonsense poems. Here are a few examples:

Moon, moon, moon!

Dry, try, cry moon!

Mine, lime, ride moon!

Right, cry, dry moon!

Moon, moon, moon!

by Owen



Stars, stars, stars!

By, my, five stars!

Fly, like, time stars!

Cry, my, five stars!

Stars, stars, stars!

by Keenan


Meteors, meteors, meteors!

Right, light, nine meteors!

Like, fine, find meteors!

While, time, ride meteors!

Meteors, meteors, meteors!

By Peyton



Planets, planets, planets!

I’m, dried, writing planets!

Fine, nine, tiny planets!

Kind, white, trying planets!

Planets, planets, planets!

By Ellen



Rock, rock, rock!

Sky, die, cries rock!

Trying, buy, writing rock!

Fight, night, riding rock!

Rock, rock, rock!

by Ryley


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