On the last day of term I had the pleasure of having four very excited and clever kids join me for morning tea. Jade wrote an impressive persuasive text about dogs being better than cats. She gave reasons such as dogs bark to protect homes and people, they are easily trained and they are strong. I am totally on Jade’s side about thinking dogs are better than cats! Ziggy shared his portfolio of work and explained some of his work including his ant art work. He shared the poem called Smiling is Contagious and he showed us how it is so easy to catch a smile! Asha read her diary entry about her horse riding on the weekend. We found out her horse is named Ally and that Asha can canter and gallop! Very impressive! Ashleigh shared some work about changes – it showed drawings of Ashleigh as a baby, as she is now and when she grows up. Some information about her favourite things was included under the pictures. As a baby Ashleigh liked to crawl and I laughed at her comment about when she is a grownup she looks forward to having kids of her own and going to visit her friends and share a glass!